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actupool - the careers plattform for actuaries

Find actuarial talents and show your company at its best

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The actupool website is the ideal way to present your company . Showcase your brand, advertise your jobs and inform all potential applicants about your company. This will give applicants an ideal picture of your qualities.

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Find the latest job offers from the industry for actuaries
Mathematik | Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse | gute Englischkenntnisse | msg LifeFactory
Aktuariat | Analysis | Calculation | Public Insurance | Life Insurance
Consulting Company | German | English | Completed training as Actuary DAV | Risikomanagement
Consulting Company | Life Insurance | German | English | Completed training as Actuary DAV
Bergisch Gladbach
Aktuariat | Pensions | Consulting Company | German | English
Consulting Company | German | English | Completed training as Actuary DAV | Willingness to train as an Actuary DAV


Check out the company profiles - numerous insurance companies and financial service providers present their company. On the company profile you will also find the company's current vacancies for actuaries.

News Blog

Get useful information and tips for your career. The newsletter also informs about interesting videos for actuaries on
In this month’s edition of the actupool Careers Newsletter, we are addressing an increasingly pressing topic from both a practical and an analytical perspective: Women in Leadership.
A blog entry by Allianz Care notes that only 14 % of employees on international assignments are women.
Deloitte Global has published the eighth edition of Women in the Boardroom: A Global Perspective.
As we move into 2024, several key trends and strategies are emerging that can help women not only navigate but also thrive in leadership roles.
Across the global financial services sector, the number of women in leadership positions is slowly increasing.
In this newsletter edition we will take a closer look at best practice in DEI strategies, implementation for customer as well as employee benefit and deliver a brief summary of findings from the McKin
The French Institut des actuaires (IA) and the Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV) jointly founded the Young Actuaries initiative in 2024 with an explicit European perspective.
Since 2015, McKinsey has regularly conducted an international study on the development of diversity in companies.
Diversity is one of ERGO’s four core values defined by ERGO employees.