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actupool job platform now also in French

The website, which was relaunched at the end of 2020, is now available in a new language. We are very pleased to announce that, in addition to the German and English versions of the website, we can now also offer a French language version. This opens up another language area for actupool and offers all French-speaking users a convenient user interface.
Written on 12/16/21

International reach

With over 600 published jobs from 83 cities and 23 countries, actupool can draw a very positive conclusion for the year 2021. 108 companies are already using the platform to present themselves optimally via their company profile and advertise their vacancies to actuaries. These have met with great interest - the advertisements for actuaries have been accessed more than 34,000 times this  year.

Exciting news about jobs and careers

The site's News Blog will also feature many articles in French. Read informative interviews with experts, exciting articles about the daily work of actuaries or get application tips for the step in your career. Also subscribe to our monthly English-language actupool newsletter, which includes international job advertisements, video recommendations from and exciting articles from the News Blog.